Welcome to Episode 005 of the Money Peach TV & Podcast. In today’s episode I am going to show you the absolute best way for saving money – Sinking Funds.
I want you to ask yourself this:
What would it be like if we actually had money the next time we needed a lot of it?
Sinking Funds work well because it forces us to be passively proactive. This means that we are planning for a big expense down the road without really feeling it. I want you to have money the next time your hot water heater blows, I want you to have money when Christmas comes around every year, and I want you to have money when your friends call you up and invite you on a weekend getaway!
The other alternatve is to simply go into debt….and debt sucks!
Get ready for awesome my friend! Sinking Funds will completely change the way you think about saving money…and you’re going to love it!
I am going to also show you how to save money on things you’re already spending money on using Sinking Funds!
Get ready for awesome my friend! Sinking Funds will completely change the way you think about saving money…and you’re going to love it!
The first step to solving your problems with money is to take back control of your money. This always starts with the Budget.
Download the Budget

I’ll see you inside the next Episode of Money Peach TV & Podcast each and every Thursday!
-Chris Peach
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Mentioned in this Episode
The 5 Sinking Funds to Start With
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