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A Trick to Save You Money on Your A/C this Summer

A Trick to Save You Money on Your A/C this Summer

Many of us are looking for ways we can trim a little fat from your budget. Have you thought about how you can save money on A/C? No, I’m not talking about being miserably hot this summer to save a few bucks. I am talking about something you can do today to start saving you up […]

Create a Utility Bill that Doesn’t Suck

Create a Utility Bill that Doesn’t Suck

Chris Peach: I now know why my Dad had an obsession with turning off lights, closing doors, and unplugging random appliances in our house – Utility Bills Suck! They’re expensive and they take up a large chunk of our monthly budget. I can still remember going to the mailbox when I was a kid (it […]

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